Artist's Statement

My recent work has been drawn from, and heavily influenced by, a variety of international travels during the last fifteen years, including the Breton landscape and “l’architecture industrielle.”
I have also had a long-standing interest in the Imagist poets and their relationship to 20th Century American artists. This interest is at the heart of my work both as an artist and as a teacher.
Most recently, during the spring semester of 2009 I was invited to serve as the Artist-in-Residence at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. St. Mary’s College, which is located at the historic site of St. Mary’s City, founded in 1634 by Lords Calvert and Baltimore under charters granted by James I of England, is the Designated Honors College of the State of Maryland. During this time a new series of subtly abstracted drawings and watercolors were produced directly from historic examples of architectural forms.
These recent drawings and paintings seek to explore and synthesize a variety of responses to both historical references and contemporary issues. As a contemporary painter, I often have the feeling that I am a reincarnated transcendentalist, living in and witnessing the death throes of the post-modern era.
Most recently, during the spring semester of 2009 I was invited to serve as the Artist-in-Residence at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. St. Mary’s College, which is located at the historic site of St. Mary’s City, founded in 1634 by Lords Calvert and Baltimore under charters granted by James I of England, is the Designated Honors College of the State of Maryland. During this time a new series of subtly abstracted drawings and watercolors were produced directly from historic examples of architectural forms.
These recent drawings and paintings seek to explore and synthesize a variety of responses to both historical references and contemporary issues. As a contemporary painter, I often have the feeling that I am a reincarnated transcendentalist, living in and witnessing the death throes of the post-modern era.