Regional, National, and International Lectures
“The Plasticity of Ideas: Painting as a Liberal Art,” Twenty-Eighth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Integrating Visual and Liberal Arts Courses, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 31 October 2014.
Moderator for a panel discussion and session titled “Bridging the Gap: Artists’ Notebooks and Journals,” Twenty-Sixth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 18 October 2012. “Border Crossings and Closings,” Twenty-Fifth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Border Crossings, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 20 October 2011. “What We Learn by Listening to Trees,” Twenty-Fourth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on the Art of War, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 28 October 2010. “Never give a sword to a man who can’t dance,” Twenty-Third Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on the Art of War, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 22 October 2009. “Mnemonic Devices,” Lunch-time Lecture Series sponsored by the Herron Galleries and the Basile Center for Art, Design and Public Life, Herron School of Art & Design, IUPUI, Indianapolis, Indiana, 14 September 2009. “Self Portrait,” visiting artist lecture at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, Maryland, 30 March 2009. “How to Tell a War Story,” sponsored by the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Art and Art History Departments at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, St. Mary’s City, Maryland, 4 March 2009. Moderator for a workshop/discussion on “Artist-in-Residency Programs: Alternatives for Artists,” Biannual Conference of the Mid-America College Art Association, Herron School of Art and Design, Indianapolis, Indiana, 16 October 2008. “The Secrets of the Shakers,” Twenty-first Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Origins and Influences, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 18 October 2007. “Pilgrimages/Round Trip Tickets,” visiting artist lecture at the Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art, Pont-Aven, France, 24 July 2007. “What You Need for Painting,” Twentieth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Painting Today, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 19 October 2006. Moderator for a panel discussion and session titled “Postmodern Strategies for Teaching and Learning,” Twentieth Annual National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 20 October 2006. “Variations on a Theme in Painting: Multiple Intelligences at work in Third Year Painting,” a lecture presented during the Concurrent Sessions at the annual Conference/Retreat of the Indiana University Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching (FACET), held at the Potawatomi Inn, Angola, Indiana, 20 May 2006. “In the American Grain,” Nineteenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Redefining American Art, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 20 October 2005. “How to Tell a War Story,” Eighteenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Art and Storytelling, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 21 October 2004. “Questions for Art History,” visiting artist lecture at the Ernest G. Welch School of Art and Design, Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, 16 March 2004. Moderator for a panel discussion and session titled “On the Education of Artists: Sequences and Observations,” Seventeenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 24 October 2003. “Don’t Say I Never Warned You When Your Train Gets Lost,” Seventeenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Interdisciplinary Approaches, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 23 October 2003. “Idiot Wind, or the Spiritual Failure of Art in the 20th Century,” Fifteenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on the Arts and the Spiritual, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 19 October 2001. “Impressionist Painting and Poetry,” Poetry in the Gallery Series cosponsored by the Indianapolis Museum of Art and the Writers’ Center of Indiana in the Impressionist and Post Impressionist Galleries of the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, 25 March 2001. “Light at the End of the Tunnel,” part of the Artistic Professions Lecture Series at the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 2 February 2001. “Disasters of War,” Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1 November 2000. “The Art of Combat,” Panel Discussion with 19 other veterans, all members of various United States Army Combat Artist Teams serving during the Viet Nam Era, Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, 28 October 2000. “Visiting Artist,” Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art, Pont-Aven, France, 19 June 2000. “Time is Probably Round,” Thirteenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Visual Understanding, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 21 October 1999. “Blood Memory,” Twelfth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on the Role of the Arts in Culture, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 16 October 1998. “The Tree of Life/The Millennium Speaking,” Eleventh National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Art and the Sacred, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 17 October 1997. “Visiting Artist,” Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art, Pont-Aven, France, 5 June 1997. “William Carlos Williams and the Poetry of Painting,” sponsored by the Indianapolis Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition “In the American Grain: the Stieglitz Circle at the Phillips Collection,” Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, 13 March 1997. “The Technology of Magic,” Tenth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Art and Intimacy in a High Tech World, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 18 October 1996. “Landscape as Metaphor: Herron at Pont-Aven,” Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, 14 February 1996. “Visiting Artist,” Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art, Pont-Aven, France, 12 June 1995. “Landscape as Metaphor,” Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art, Pont-Aven, France, 5 June 1995. “Slam on the Brakes,” Poetry in the Gallery Series cosponsored by the Indianapolis Museum of Art and the Writers’ Center of Indianapolis in conjunction with the Nam June Paik “Electronic Super Highway Exhibition,” Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, 30 March 1995. “The Blind Leading the Blind,” Eighth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Art and Thought: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Philosophy and Art, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 14 October 1994. “Making Drawing Dance,” Eighth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Teaching Drawing and Sculpture, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 13 October 1994. “The Blind Leading the Blind,” given as part of the panel discussion “Art and Thought: Interdisciplinary Teaching of Philosophy and Art,” at the 10th International Workshop-Conference on Teaching Philosophy at Marionopolis College, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 7 August 1994. “How to Measure a Metaphor,” Seventh National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Metaphor and Inquiry, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 14 October 1993. “What the Thunder Said,” Sixth National Conference on Liberal Arts and the Education of Artists, Session on Art and Literature, School of Visual Arts, New York, New York, 15 October 1992. “Visiting Artist,” Arts and Humanities Department, University of Vincennes, Vincennes, Indiana, 26 November 1991. “What the Thunder Said,” an original lecture for the student body of the Herron School of Art on the general relationship between the Imagist Poets and Contemporary American Artists and a reading of selected works of the contemporary American poet Allen Ginsberg, 9 October 1991. “On the Future,” a lecture given as part of the panel discussion on “The Future of the Professional Art School in America,” for the Phelps-Stokes Foundation Symposium on the Structure, Curriculum, and Future of Teaching Art, sponsored by the United States Information Agency, the Indiana International Council, and the Herron School of Art for the benefit of 25 African Artists, Educators and Museum Professionals visiting the United States, Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, 17 May 1991. “Blue Moon for My Father,” eulogy delivered at the Memorial Service for Emery Edward Nickolson, Jr., in Orlando, Florida, 12 January 1991. “Visiting Artist,” School of Fine Arts, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 27 October 1989. “Visiting Artist,” Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, Virginia, 21 April 1988. “Visiting Artist,” Nantucket Island School of Design and the Arts, Annual Winter Faculty Meeting, Nantucket, Massachusetts, 7-10 February 1988. “Visiting Artist,” Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Vermont, 26 February 1988. “Visiting Artist,” University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio, 9 October 1987. “The Shakers and Their Influence on 20th Century Life and Art,” sponsored by the Greater Indianapolis Campus Ministry, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana, 8 December 1986. “Visiting Artist,” Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon, 6 November 1986. “The Artist and the Urban Environment,” a panel discussion in conjunction with the exhibition “The Artist Views the City” at the Gallery at the Old Post Office, Dayton, Ohio, 18 September 1986. “Artist’s Retreats and Alternatives,” Panel Discussion Moderator, 49th Conference of the Mid-America College Art Association, Herron School of Art, Indianapolis, Indiana, 24 October 1985. “A Career Development Workshop for Artists,” sponsored by the Bloomington Working Artists Project, Indiana Creative Resources Corporation, Bloomington, Indiana, 9 March 1982. “Visiting Artist,” Glen Oaks Community College, Centreville, Michigan, 8 March 1974. |